Nomba Muda Blog

Wish it goes like a nothing to something..

Mengubah Document Root pada Localhost

Kali ini ane ingin berbagi pengetahuan neh tentang localhost. Bagi para master mah ini udah bukan hal asing lagi kali yah..hehehe . Tapi gpp, ilmu untuk semua umur dan kalangan kan?

Yaudah, klo gitu langsung ajah dah..
Biasanya kan, tempat kita menyimpan file² yang ingin ditampilkan di Localhost itu kan di drive C tuh. Pertanyaannya bisa ngga seh klo kita simpan di drive lain? Drive D atau di Flashdisk kita? Jawabannya tentu saja bisa. Mari kita tengok dulu file yang menentukan default ‘document root’-nya, biasanya seh namanya ‘httpd.conf’. Dibawah ini contoh file httpd.conf pada XAMPP (hanya sebagian saja) :    

Nah, dari situ ajah udah kelihatan tuh configurasi yang menentukan document root-nya (lihat pada baris 176 dan 203). Singkatnya gini :

Kita bisa mengubah setelan tersebut dengan cara:
-Buka C:/xampp/apache/conf
-Klik 2x file yang bernama httpd.conf dan buka dengan menggunakan editor semisal notepad.
-Cari kata-kata DocumentRoot "C:/apache/htdocs"
Ganti C:/apache/htdocs dengan drive yang kamu inginkan. Misal "D:" atau "E:"
-Cari kata-kata Directory "C:/apache/htdocs"

Ganti C:/apache/htdocs dengan drive yang kamu inginkan. Misal "D:" atau "E:"

Langkah selanjutnya:
Restart xampp
Buka C:/xampp
Klik icon stop
Tunggu hingga proses selesai
Kemudian klik icon start.
Atau bisa juga dengan Restart Komputer kamu.

Buka browser kamu, lalu ketik 'localhost' atau ''
Maka, localhost kamu akan menampilkan isi drive D:
Nah, masalahnya bagaimana kalau mengakses phpMyAdmin? Kalau kita baru saja mengedit file httpd.conf-nya, ketika kita mengakses phpMyAdmin, pasti ngga muncul? Mengapa demikian? Karena tidak terdapat pada document root-nya. So gimana dunk? Gampang ajah, tinggal kamu copy folder phpMyAdmin yang ada pada dirve C ke document root sesuai configurasi kita masing-masing.

Selamat mencoba teman-teman.
Terima Kasih.

Banyak sekali yang tanya tentang setting modem dengan kartu three. Kayaknya three banyak pemakainya juga gan, selain murah untuk daerah Jakarta dan Surabaya three sudah memiliki jaringan HSDPA, semoga bisa disusul juga didaerah lain.
Kali ini aku akan postkan tentang modem ZTE 626 (lumayan murah ni modem soalnya )
Aku coba instal di windows 7 Starter, yang sebelumnya sudah terinstal driver modem Huawei E1550 (kalau yg blm pernah diinstal driver modem/ aplikasi modem usb, ya silahkan lewati tahapan nomer 1).

  1. Pertama hapus / uninstall dulu driver modem yang lain kalau ada kalau belum langsung langkah 2 (soalnya di komputerku yang sebelumnya sudah driver modem Huawei E1550, maka saat install driver modem ZTE 626 ini enga bisa)
  2. Install driver modem ZTE 626 yang sudah tersedia paketnya di dalam memori modem. Jadi colokkan saja modemnya dan klik 2X file instalasinya.
  3.  Ikuti proses instalasinya hingga selesai, dan klik 2x icon modem pada desktop, hingga tampil seperti berikut:
  4. Setelah selesai lakukan setting modem untuk kartu 3 (three) seperti ini  dengan syarat kartu three kamu sudah didaftarkan untuk paket internet (infonya silahkan baca disini :
  5. selanjutnya:
    • Klik Setting
    • Klik Connections kemudian klik Add (untuk menambahkan operator baru)
    • Klik Tab Common kemudian isikan yang berikut :
      Config name = Three
      Dial number = *99#
      Klik Use the following APN address dan isikan 3data
      User name = 3data
      Password = 3data
      Klik Save
    • Sekarang klik Tab Advance yang ada disebelah tab Common kemudian klik CHAP pada Authentication mode (biarkan yang lain jangan dirubah) Terakhir klik Save
    • Sekarang kembali ke Menu Connection dan pilih Three kemudian klik Apply
    • Sekarang tutup editor setting ini dan kembali ke tampilan awal modem jika berhasil maka akan ada tanda sinyal
    • KlikCobalah klik Connect yang bergambar orang
  6. Semoga membantu……..

Left 4 Dead 2 Cheats

For Single Player:
While inside the single player game, open your "~" console:

type "sv_pure 1"

then? "map [map name]"

now the game should had exited itself automatically,

type in "map [map name]" again, the game will enter into that map,

finally, type "sv_cheats 1"

enjoy the game with all cheats enabled ;-)

Please kindly rate "Thumbs-Up" if it helped, thanks in advance~

Entry Location:
Select Options > Keyboard/Mouse. Enable Allow Developers Console. Press '~' to activate the console.

tongue_range <#> - (Default 750) Sets the maximum range of the smoker's tongue attack
z_pounce_damage X - amount of damage you want to do to survivors
z_witch_burn_time - Amount of time before a burning Witch dies from fire (does not effect caused by fire)
z_health - Change zombie health
z_speed - Change Zombie speed
director_no_human_zombies 0/1 - Disables/enables controllable Boss Infected on any map
director_panic_forever 0/1 - Enables/Disables never ending panics
director_force_panic - Forces a panic event
give ammo - Full Ammunition
give pistol - Get pistol
impulse 101 - Give Ammo to your primary weapon
give autoshotgun - Give auto shotgun
give first_aid_kit - give first aid kit
give health - give full health
give gascan - give gascan
give hunting_rifle - give hunting rifle
give molotov - give molotov
give oxygentank - give oxygentank
give_pain_pills - give pain pills
give pipe_bomb - give pipe bomb
give propanetank - give propanetank
give rifle - give you an MK 47 ( machine gun )
z_spawn weapon_SMG - give you the SMG
god - invincibility
buddha 1 - just like god but you receive damage (sometimes if you are the only survivor left, you can't receive damage from infected
sb_openfire or open_fire (console will tell) - makes your bot teammates shoot nonstop
director_no_mobs <1/0> - No mob rushes
firstperson - Play in first person (default), this cheat only necessary if thirdperson mode is enabled
Ent_Remove - Removes all bots
z_witch_damage <#> - Sets the amount of damage a Witch's attack does
thirdperson_mayamode - sets the camera to be fixed in place whle in either third person or third person shoulder mode. Enter once to turn on and enter again to turn off
thirdperson - sets the camera to be in third person mode
thirdpersonshoulder - sets the camera to over the shoulder third person mode
z_common_limit - sets the maximum amount of regular zombies
z_tank_health <#> - sets the maximum health of the tank
z_frustration_lifetime <#> - sets the number of seconds until the player loses control of the tank from not attacking survivors
sb_friendlyfire <1/0> - sets whether or not bots (and only bots) are allowed to do friendly fire damage
director_stop - Shuts off all wanderers, mobs, specials, and bosses
z_spawn zombie - spawn 1 zombie
boom - spawn a active pipebomb under you
z_spawn - spawn a special infected
z_spawn mob - spawn a zombie horde
z_spawn boomer - spawn boomer at location of crosshair
z_spawn hunter - spawn hunter at location of crosshair
z_spawn smoker - spawn smoker at location of crosshair
z_spawn tank - spawn tank at location of crosshair
noclip - Toggles no clipping mode
z_witch_allow_change_victim <1/0> - True/false setting that allows the witch to change targets instead or focus on the one survivor that alerted her first
sv_infinite_ammo 1 - unlimited ammunition

Entry Location:

Open steam. Go to my games. Click the Left 4 dead 2 icon once, and then press *Properties* next to *Launch*. Then open: Set launch options; and simply type in: -console. When you open the game next time the editors/cheat console will be open.(NOTE: The console will disappear until you re-start the game unless you bind a key to it)(OBSERVE: punctuation such as : , ; . _ or * shall not be typed into the *set launch options* console)

Submitted By: theblueguy2

Left 4 Dead 2 Unlockables

Steam Achievments
A ride denied - Kill a jockey within 2 seconds of it jumping on a survivor.
A spittle help from my friends - As the spitter, spit on a survivor being choked by a smoker.
Acid reflex - Kill a spitter before she is able to spit.
Armory of one - Deploy an ammo upgrade and have your team use it.
Back in the saddle - As the jockey, ride the survivors twice in a single life.
Beat the rush - In a survival round, get a medal only using melee weapons.
Bridge burner - Survive the parish campaign.
Bridge over trebled slaughter - Cross the bridge finale in less than three minutes.
Burning sensation - Ignite 50 common infected with incendiary ammo.
Cache and carry - Collect 15 gas cans in a single scavenge round.
Chain of command - Kill 100 common infected with the chainsaw.
Cl0wnd - Honk the noses of 10 clowns.
Club dead - Use every melee weapon to kill common infected.
Confederacy of crunches - Finish a campaign using only melee weapons.
Crass menagerie - Kill one of each uncommon infected.
Dead in the water - Kill 10 swampy mudmen while they are in the water.
Dismemberment plan - Kill 15 infected with a single grenade launcher blast.
Fried piper - Using a molotov, burn a clown leading at least 10 common infected.
Fuel crisis - Make a survivor drop a gas can during overtime.
Gas guzzler - Collect 100 gas cans in scavenge.
Gas shortage - Cause 25 gas can drops as a special infected.
Gong show - Prove you are stronger than moustachio.
Great expectorations - As the spitter, hit every survivor with a single acid patch.
Guardin' gnome - Rescue gnome chompski from the carnival.
Head honcho - Decapitate 200 infected with a melee weapon.
Heartwarmer - In a versus round, leave the saferoom to defibrillate a dead teammate.
Hunting party - Win a game of scavenge.
Level a charge - Kill a charger with a melee weapon while they are charging.
Long distance carrier - As the charger, grab a survivor and carry them over 80 feet.
Meat tenderizer - As the charger, grab a survivor and smash them into the ground for a solid 15 seconds.
Midnight rider - Survive the dark carnival campaign.
Price chopper - Survive the dead center campaign.
Qualified ride - As the jockey, ride a survivor for more than 12 seconds.
Ragin' cajun - Survive the swamp fever campaign.
Robbed zombie - Collect 10 vials of boomer vomit from infected ceda agents you have killed.
Rode hard, put away wet - As the jockey, ride a survivor and steer them into a spitter's acid patch.
Scattering ram - As the charger, bowl through the entire enemy team in a single charge.
Scavenge hunt - Stop the enemy team from collecting any gas cans during a scavenge round.
Septic tank - Use a bile bomb on a tank.
Shock jock - Revive 10 dead survivors with the defibrillator.
Sob story - Navigate the sugar mill and reach the safe room without killing any witches.
Stache whacker - Prove you are faster than moustachio.
Still something to prove - Survive all campaigns on expert.
Strength in numbers - Form a team and beat an enemy team in 4V4 versus or scavenge.
Tank burger - Kill a tank with melee weapons.
The quick and the dead - Revive 10 incapacitated survivors while under the speed-boosting effects of adrenaline.
The real deal - Survive a campaign on expert skill with realism mode enabled.
Violence in silence - Navigate the impound lot and reach the cemetary safe room without tripping any alarms.
Weatherman - Survive the hard rain campaign.
Wing and a prayer - Defend yourself at the crashed airliner without taking damage.

Left 4 Dead 2 Hints

Gnome Chomsky
Entry Location:
Dark Carnival

In the second chapter of the Dark Carnival campaign you will find a shooting range. Play this game until you score 750 points and you will receive Gnome Chomsky. Have one survivor escape the rest of the campaign with him to unlock the Achievement.

Submitted By: Cody G.

Left 4 Dead 2 Glitches

Going for gold over a Wall

Entry Location:
Most Survival maps

Get 1 guy with a nade launcher to crouch down next to a wall with level ground on the other side, and have another guy jump off something onto the head of the crouched nader. While the jumper is in mid air fire the nade. time it right and the jumper will be sent flying into the air, if controlled correctly the jumper can land just on the other side of a wall and be defibbed. The jumper should then run to the far side of the map, and the rest of the team can start the match. The jumper being so far away from the spawns should receive little attention from hordes. Go for the Gold. Example location: Parish, bridge..... On the Highway facing the Bridge there is a fence. Have 1 guy jump off from the green canopy. Good luck.

Submitted By: old school

Get on top of a sign
Entry Location:
Second part of the Parish campaign

Once you are off the boat head up the ramp and you'll see a barricade with barbed-wire at the top. Jump up on top of that and you'll see a gib sign right behind you. Face away from the sign looking down at the water, jump forward just a little bit and it will force you to hang from the sign instead of the barricade over top of the water. Someone will help you up and you will be on top of the sign.

Submitted By: thebull27


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